“…unto the uttermost” will be an ongoing project of Colonial Press, reaching souls of children and adults in Mexico. This coloring book is a simple, clear presentation of the Gospel of Christ, in Spanish. We are endeavoring to get as many of these as possible into the hands of missionary distributors. Some of these include: Hands Across the Border (Bro. Gary Schwer), Gospel Transport (Bro. Sid Madden), Seedline International (Bro. Keith Davidson), SOS Missions (Bro. Jim Drew & Bro. Bob Manes) and others.
Would You Conisider:
Partnering with us… by Providing financially? A $100.00 gift will deliver a box containing 600 books. Any amount donated to the cause would be a true blessing.
Praying with us… for the success of the project, and for the Lord to Prepare hearts for the Gospel message.
Promote the project… by sharing this information.
The need is Plentiful. Salvation is free, but Priceless.
Checks made payable to Colonial Press can be mailed to P.O. Box 6547 Charlottesville, VA 22906
Credit/debit card or ACH giving is available for a small fee. Click the give link below and select “unto the uttermost” in the fund list.